Friday, October 23, 2009

My Opinion On Global Warming

Most specifically human-caused pollution into the lower atmosphere have increased the green house effect and so that the worldwide global warming is taking place. The global warming will change the rainfall patterns, increasing aridity in some areas; melt polar ice caps, causing a rise in sea levels; and possibly lead to a greater intensity in tropical storms. The world may suffer because of the increased dryness in other areas. The complexity of the global climate system leaves some uncertainty about exactly how the worlds climate may change as a result of human-caused global warming. In my opinion, global warming is possible, but we do have ways to prevent it. Global warming is killing my favorite animal- the polar bear! I also think that the US or the entire world can ever really stop polluting with things like littering because there's just so many people in our world that we can't all stop pollution. I think people agree and disagree with global warming and people do have their right to speak what they think.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Storm That Drowned A City

- The storms came from west Africa
- The tropical depression became a tropical storm
- Katrina is still a tropical storm but may become a hurricane
- Category 5 is the worst type. The top of houses are blown off
- Four days before the hurricane his New Orleans, it becomes a category 1
- 90% of deaths are from drowning
- When the Mississippi flooded, about 500 people died
- The federal government had a large part to play.
- Built cement wall to cover the water from coming in
- Levees: combination of human geo and physical geo
- Hurricane Katrina was heading their way
- Louisianans wetlands were vanishing
- Not everyone were wanting to leave
- 1969, Hurricane Camille, worse storm
- Hurricane Katrina was bumped up to a Category 5
- This was the day before she hit New Orleans
- The Mississippi River grew 11 feet
- August 29- Katrina strikes
- Levees weren't working right
- 15 foot wave hit
- 1927-The great flood
- The floods were 28 feet
- Communities are wiped out
- Katrina was moving north and was weakening
- This was the second flood that the city had experienced
- The system was used to keep the water out
- Over topping was the main reason the levees failed
- 40s, 50s, and 60s were very active during hurricane season
- It became active again in the early 2000s
- Much of the city was below sea level
- 1,300 dead and 1,800 homeless
- These people lost their homes and their loved ones

Friday, October 9, 2009


1. How many animals in the world were domesticated?
A. 23
B. 1
C. 1,000
* D. 14

2. Where is Papua New Guinea located?
A. Africa
* B. Southwest Asia
C. North America
D. South America

3. What is the most powerful country in the world?
A. Africa
* B. North America (U.S.)
C. Europe
D. South America

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Guns, Germs, and Steel

- What separates the haves from the have nots
- Some people don’t have the advanced technologies that we do
- We have to share the wealth
- Papua New Guinea- southwest Asia
- Jared Diamond visits this place to study birds
- One man wants to know why we have more cargo- sets out to answer why we have skyscrapers and they are still cutting down trees? Yali
- Cargo was guarded by evidence of white men power
- USA is the richest and most powerful country in the world
- People in New Guinea are more educated in building then we are. They can build shelter without 2*4
- I think the people of New Guinea are more educated in the building environment and they are better then us because they don’t use guns to kill each other and they don’t need to pollute the air while building their shelters. I still think they could be violent with their weapons they make themselves.
- Haves and have nots
- Inequality
- He has to go back into pre history
- People were frequently on the move
- Lived in shelters close to animals
- When the animal moved on, the people would move wherever they went
- You have to be smart to be a hunter in Papua new Guinea
- Relay more on gathering
- Gathering is done by women
- One tree holds 70 lbs. of sago
- In the middle east, people find simple grasses which are more healthier then the sago
- Animal herds died off
- drought lasted more then 12000 years
Work is sighted my the Jordan river or the Red sea
- Granary- Grain being stored wheat
- Not much food to survive
- Grew the grains next to village
- They were to first farmers of the world
- Human intervention
- Domestication- animals and plants controlling moving, feeding, and breathing
- People in China grew rice
- 9000 people in middle east were living in communities
- Wheat and barley
- There is not much food
- Eat mostly bananas
- Sometimes eat spiders
- Geographic luck
- Dependable meat supply
- Animal dun could be used as fertilizer
- Goat and sheep are the first to be domesticated
- Also used for plowing
- The only power was muscle power
- Animals that have been domesticated- Jared Diamond- he is counting the animals- there are 14- they are: goats, sheep pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, camels( 2 types), water buffalo, llamas, reindeer, yak, cows( 2 different types)
- The animals were 100 lbs. or over
- None of these were from New Guinea, all of North America, Australia, Sub-Sahara Africa
- South America had the llamas
- The last 13 were found in Asia, Europe, North Africa
- Cows, pig, sheep, and goats were in the Middle East
- This area became known as the Fertile Crescent
- Plaster was expensive to have in houses
- They were more people to work on land
- Able to learn new technologies- making plaster from limestone
- Places like New Guinea never found these technologies
- No specialized workers- they are worried about what they are going to eat or where they were going to sleep
- The middle easterners are good at farming but they are over farming and they messed it up and now they have to move on
- The people were taken by the Europeans and took them to the US
- New Guineans got pigs
- To answer Yali's question: The lake of ingenuity